263 Meetings, 12 Months and $128,700 in Startup Funding Later

How can I raise my first round of capital?
Do I need a product? What metrics do I need to show? I kept asking these questions months after starting work on Alpe Audio. The more I asked, the more I realized it wasn’t only me asking those questions. So I documented how we did it. Early stage fundraising is the most misunderstood and untold stage of startup life. I’m talking pre product, pre traction, when you’ve only got an idea. What do you need to raise? How many meetings? Who do you talk to? Every week since launch I documented who we met, what they asked, what part of the story worked and what didn’t.
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
Alpe audio education, former VC Investor future mobility. Mainly an avid reader

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263 Meetings, 12 Months and $128,700 in Startup Funding Later
Source: Super Trending News PH
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