Why I Have Decided to Sell Congresspeople for Charity
The floor price will be $2900 USD, which is of course the maximum donation a person can make per cycle to a political campaign in the United States. 50% of the profits of the sale of this NFT will go to the Kentucky Herpetological Society so that they may fund rescue and care of turtles. Half of the money generated (up to 50k) goes to causes in the represented area of that elected official that I believe people will find humourous, and the other to my projects I think will make the world a better place.
@jayzJay Zalowitz
Co-Founder of Hackernoon
Marcel Duchamp, an artist notable for his contributions to Cubism, Dada, and conceptual art, was famous for his Readymades. You see, simply by choosing an object, labeling it or signing it, and doing something different with it, it became art.
Naturally, if he was able to do this with a urinal, I can do this with something that is well known for being “full of it.”
I speak, of course, of congresspeople.
I know what you are thinking: “Jay you can’t just use the image of congresspeople willy nilly, can you?” Well the answer is actually pretty darn simple.. not only are the images of congress public domain due to US law, they actually created a Github repo that makes it easy for you to pull it.
Simply put, I intend to make art out of the images in the public domain of congress simply by signing them (cryptographically) and giving half of the money generated (up to 50k) to causes in the represented area of that elected official that I believe people will find humourous, and the other to my projects I think will make the world a better place. So without further ado, here are the original 6 members of congress in my “political figures” collection.
The floor price will be $2900 USD, which is of course the maximum donation a person can make per cycle to a political campaign in the United States. This seems like a good price to start buying and selling congress at.
Mitch McConnell – Turtle rescue – http://www.kyherpsoc.org
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
In addition to having a really just fun name to say, The Kentucky Herpetological Society provides education and conservation of reptiles in the Kentucky area, I will be giving 50% of the profits of the sale of this NFT to them so that they may fund rescue and care of turtles.
Nancy Pelosi – Barbershop education – https://sfiec.edu/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
We are all of course very familiar with the fact that Nancy Pelosi cares a lot about her hair appointments, even if there’s a pandemic going on keeping everyone else from going to theirs, she’s going to get her hair done. The San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cosmetology will ensure that no matter what pandemics may come, San Francisco will have pleanty of barbers around for her to use.
Majorie Taylor Greene – Mental Health Services – https://gahope.org/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
Everyone’s favorite provider of Jewish space lasers conspiracies, MTG is wired up to possibly end so badly we might as well ad -ox to the end of her name. It feels appropriate to donate to a non-profit, Georgia Hope, that is doing some amazing work in District 14 helping people with mental health and addiction issues.
Bernie Sanders – H.O.P.E., Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects– https://www.hope-vt.org/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
Bernie Sanders recently set the fashion world alight during President Joe Biden’s inauguration, when photographer Brendan Smialowski captured an image of the Vermont lawmaker bundled up in his coat, the mittens Jen Ellis made for him. Despite looking, I don’t believe there are any specifically mitten-related charities, but HOPE-VT does have a second-hand clothing store and food pantry that I’m sure may have mittens in it.
Matt Gaetz – Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking– http://www.stophumantrafficking.org/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
Matt Gaetz is accused of soliciting sexual acts by paying underage girls. Human Trafficking involves the commercial exchange and exploitation of humans including forced prostitution and pornography, involuntary labor, servitude and debt bondage, which I am not saying Gaetz did, but given this is often the case in this situation, the donation will be heading to a Floridian anti-trafficing non-profit.
Ted Cruz – NEC energy Coop- https://neccoopenergy.com/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
Ted Cruz famously went to cancun while citizens of his state went without power. To make sure fewer Texans have to go without power we will be donating to customers in need of the Non-profit NEC Cooperative Energy. Depending on how much this goes for we can get here we may also give money to ERCOT for renewable energy projects that will help pevent these issues in the future.
We look forward to releasing more of these congressional NFTs as we come up with more places to donate to in a ironic, funny, or needed way. If you have any really good ideas, please send me a message on any social media I exist on.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Scholarships at Queens Tech Academy – https://www.queenstechacademy.com/
Link to the NFT on the sale on FTX.US.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rather famously fought back against Amazon having their Headquarters #2 in NYC because it would gentrify the area. To make sure that Queens is allowed to gentrify itself, I will be giving 50% of the profits of the sale of this NFT (up to 50k) to fund food service worker scholarships at the Queens Tech Academy.
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Why I Have Decided to Sell Congresspeople for Charity
Source: Super Trending News PH
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